Coastal Blue Media >

Erin Kellie

Erin Kellie is a digital marketer and graphic designer on the Sunshine Coast of BC, Canada. She is the owner of Coastal Blue Media a digital marketing and brand experience boutique working with Female-Lead Professional Service Providers. She graduated in Marketing Management from the British Columbia Institute of Technology (BCIT) in 2002 and graduated in Graphic Design from the Visual College of Art and Design (VCAD) in 2017. When she isn't glued to a computer she is busy being the best hockey-scouts-guides-horse riding (I want to do whichever sports you will pay for they said) mom to her three children and exploring BC's coast. Her career has been primarily focused on helping small businesses with marketing and brand development something she is very passionate about. You can reach her at or on Facebook @ErinPKellie.


Consulting, photo editing, Shopify, Training, Website Support & Consulting

you are ready to hire a professinal web or brand designer